Evet Socrates presents the new edition of ASTROLUX: The Movie, in true HD format, to be shown at exhibitions, film festivals, art walks, museums, parties, and cutting edge galleries all around the world.
This new, remastered in High Definition release brings a whole new vista of incredible CGI and graphics with a fully remastered score and remastered source footage.
A comet has just hit the Earth. The world turns to The Grand Chancellor for information and support.
Here we see a mega-evangelist spouting his views on the crisis. New for 2016.
Pay close attention to this scene- Evet explains his own ideas for time travel using Astrolux.
Here Evet consults his Gypsy/Mystic for her deep knowledge and insight.
A sci-fi film/music video, with a very astute Cyberpunk Space Guitar Fantasy soundtrack and Evet's climactic solo at the end. Nothing like this has ever been attempted before. Keep reading for more info.